Rotary Club of Belfast
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The Rotary Club of Belfast
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July 01, 2024

Welcome President Ken

  The Club is delighted that President Ken Nixon has agreed to serve as President of The Rotary Club of Belfast for the 2024/25 Rotary year.   We wish him a successful year as the Club continues its service projects where it can make a difference in communities and to the people who live in them.      
June 25, 2024

President's Day 2024

President Steven was delighted to welcome 36 members and guests to President's Day held at the Royal Belfast Golf Club, Monday 24 June. Always an exceptional event in the Club calendar, this year's was no exception with the relaxed and sociable evening being greatly enjoyed by those attending. more here...
June 19, 2024

KidsOut 2024

in Blog

June 19, 2024

KidsOut 2024

This year the Club was delighted to organise the annual Rotary KidsOut Day with Mitchell House School. This year, however, it was a “KidsIn” event in the school with junior school children being entertained by “Jump, Jiggle and Jive”, an interactive dance forum on Wednesday 12 June. The fun and games were thoroughly enjoyed by all and it was wonderful to see the smiles on the children’s faces. Thanks are extended to PP Mark Davidson, President Elect Ken Nixon and Past President Alan Rundle for organising and attending the event. Kids Out Day is an event carried out by a…
June 05, 2024

Club Assembly Presentations

The Club has again this year received 2 certificates for members’ donations to the Rotary Foundation (Rotary International's charity) and the Rotary End Polio Now Campaign with donations of $100 per capita and $50 per capita respectively. They were presented to President Elect (PE) Ken Nixon at the Club Assembly meeting Monday 03 June by Rotary Ireland Assistant Governor (AG) Roland Bailie who was warmly welcomed to the Club. At the Assembly PE Ken led the presentation of the planned Club activities during the 2024/25 Rotary Year. AG Roland, noting he was delighted to be back working with and supporting…
May 31, 2024

Recent Speakers

In recent weeks the Club has been delighted to welcome very varied speakers to address Club meetings: Past District Governor Sean Fitzgerald, Club Rotarian Jean Horstman, Trustee Lyric Theatre and 19 year-old Anna Pim. In a very comprehensive address the origins, work and success of Mercy Ships was highlighted by guest speaker PDG Sean Fitzgerald. He revealed their charity-run hospital ships in the world bring vital healthcare to places overwhelmed by poverty and suffering and thereby transform the systems of healthcare in the world’s poorest regions where billions experience chronic pain, financial catastrophe and social stigma because of injuries, ailments,…
May 14, 2024

Club Award to Corrymeela

The Club are delighted to award the 2022-23 John Savage Award and Bursary to Corrymeela for the Seeds of Hope project which is being supported by the Club as well as the Rotary Clubs of Dublin, San Antonio Texas and The Hague Metropolitan. The Project which is in a pilot stage this year aims to bring cross community groups of young people together and foster relationships. Following an outline of the history of the Award and the Club member it is in memory of, by Eric Rainey and Past President Brian Clements respectively, the Trophy was presented to Sylvia Gordon,…
April 20, 2024

Visitors from Dusseldorf

President Steven and Immediate Past President Ken were delighted to meet President Nora Wessendorf and the 10 members of the Rotary Club of Dusseldorf party (including a 3-month-old baby) for dinner in the Hilton Hotel restaurant Saturday 20 April. Here for just the weekend, they were having a whistle-stop tour covering the Causeway, Dark Hedges, the Titanic and other attractions. Their members were very interested to hear about the current situation in NI and were very impressed with the Club Chain (which they don't have) and Club Eco Banner. 
April 19, 2024

Visitors from The Hague

Unable to attend a Club meeting during their short visit to NI, Immediate Past President Ken Nixon and Hon Secretary David Boyd were delighted to meet up with members of The Hague Metropolitan RC for lunch in the City Hall's Bobbin Cafe on Friday 19 May. They were in Belfast prior to visiting the Seeds of Hope Project in Corrymeela. 

T1920 tspWelcome to the website of

The Rotary Club of Belfast.


Please explore it and get a flavour of how volunteer Rotarians, by being People of Action, use their skills and vocations throughout our various projects to Make a Difference to people less fortunate than ourselves at home and abroad and the fun and fellowship we enjoy being members of the family of Rotary. 

The Rotary Club of Belfast is a vibrant club, welcoming and friendly
and we welcome visitors from the World of Rotary at any time.

 To visit please contact the Club in advance here.



Pres Steven

It is a great honour for me to be again taking on the role of President for the Rotary year 2024/25. Being a Club based in Belfast city centre enables us to connect with the local Community, through service with YouthAction and Mitchell House, continuing our focus on peace and reconciliation projects and we also support key efforts to end Homelessness. Worldwide we support the fight to ‘End Polio Now’ and help some of the world’s poorest people work their own way out of poverty with dignity by investment in small business via the Lendwithcare scheme in many countries including Ecuador, Malawi and Cambodia. We recognise the tremendous amount of service already given by members but are looking forward to encouraging new members to join. Any prospective member is most welcome at any of our Monday meetings.

This year’s Rotary theme is The Magic of Rotary
and we hope that you will help us to expand our service and magic.

Ken Nixon, President 2024/25

Join Us

Membership of the Club is an incredibly rewarding and enjoyable experience and we are actively looking for new people to invite to join and breathe new vibrancy and ideas into the Club and take Rotary into its second century in Belfast.

If you think Rotary may be for you, or for further information, please contact us.

Getting involved with Rotary could be the most important thing you ever do.

Contact the Club

If you would like to contact the Club,

please click here to use our Contact Form