A Changing City

LordMayorand VPKenThank you Councillor Deirdre Hargey, Lord Mayor of Belfast, an Honorary member of the Rotary Club of Belfast, for your excellent appraisal, on your first visit to the Club on Monday 08 October, of the many ways Belfast has changed and improved over the decades and your campaign for rights across a range of issues. The Lord Mayor, pictured with Vice President Ken Nixon, acknowledged the work of Rotary giving service above self and making a difference. She revealed that she had grown up in the markets area in a working class environment and had followed in her parents footsteps influenced by community activism and that all was really about making a difference to the community. Noting that the Club is only 5 years younger than the City Hall itself she mentioned massive changes have happened in the city since 1911 and today Belfast is doing really well and has a hugely different skyline to 20 years ago. However she revealed that there is another Belfast with underlying problems and she hopes to campaign for rights across a range of issues and launch a Charter of Rights for the city emerging from conflict to help heal deep wounds, build on inclusion, trust and reconciliation and deal with racism and sectarianism. Concluding that Belfast is a changing city, will continue to change, show spirit and heart, full of optimism and ambition she wished the Club good luck declaring people make cities and volunteers make a difference.