Club helps at latest YouthAction NI GET SET to GO Day

Nov15.1The latest GET SET to GO Day was held Thursday 5 November and 45 young unemployed people took part in a range of employability workshops - goal setting, interview skills and entrepreneurial skills modelled on 'the apprentice'- led by 12 Club members together with other GET SET business partners from Coca Cola, PWC, Slack Press and Barclay Telecom. YouthAction NI thank The Rotary Club of Belfast for their invaluable contribution over the last few years in their GET SET to Go events.

GET SET project manager, Clare Conlon says: 'Your support, knowledge, skills and experience is invaluable in helping young people prepare for work. Our partnership with The Rotary Club of Belfast is now in its 3rd year and has gone from strength to strength with GET SET to Go events an annual fixture. The Rotary Club of Belfast has made a huge contribution to our work in tackling youth unemployment and we look forward to continuing our work together in getting young people ready for work'.

The Rotary Club of Belfast is very pleased to be involved and help in any way the young people attending and thank all members who give of their expertise, time and enthusiasm.

More details on the Club's involvement with YouthAction NI can be seen here.